Ecology of Language and Communicative Practice publishes articles in the domains of Ecolinguistics and Speech Communication and welcomes submissions within the fields it covers.
Papers should be submitted electronically to the e-mail address For the benefit of production efficiency, the journal’s Editorial Board asks you to adhere the following submission guidelines strictly. All manuscripts will be initially assessed for suitability for the journal. The articles which do not meet the scientific subject area and the proper design of the journal aren’t accepted to consideration. The papers deemed suitable for the requirements to the contents are then sent to the peer review.
Articles must meet the following criteria of the peer review:

  • compliance of the title of an article to its contents;
  • compliance of the contents of an article to a range of problems of the journal;
  • compliance of the summary and keywords to the contents of an article;
  • compliance of the size of an article to requirements of the journal;
  • compliance of the size of the summary to requirements of the journal;
  • compliance of a list of keywords to requirements of the journal;
  • the formulated research problem and hypothesis;
  • degree of scientific novelty and theoretical significance;
  • relevance of a subject of research;
  • compliance of the text of an article to requirements of logicality and argumentativeness of a statement;
  • quality of language and style of an article;
  • theoretical and/or practical importance of conclusions.

Taking into account the opinion of a reviewer the Editorial board is responsible for the decision regarding acceptance or rejection of an article. The articles with negative review are sent to repeated reviewing to another independent scholar. The manuscripts rejected by the results of two independent expert reviewing aren’t re-considered. The author provides a reasoned refusal.

The editorial board reserves the right of reduction and scientific editing of the articles in coordination with the authors.

After the publication no changes are made in the text.

he editorial board accepts papers from one author or not more than two co-authors, except the articles based on the results of experimental studies.
The papers provided by the editorial staff include the following:

  1. the article itself with summary (both in Russian and English) and keywords;
  2. information about the article (see below);
  3. information about the authors.

Article requirements

The editorial board accepts articles up to 40 thousand characters with spaces. Articles are sent by E-mail.
The article begins with the number for the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC can be specified in the scientific library of the educational institution or city) that is followed (each time with a new line):

  1. the author’s initials and surname;
  2. title of the article (in capital letters);
  3. its abstract (150-250 words) in Russian and English; the abstract is italicized;
  4. keywords (8-10 words through a semicolon; with no abbreviations and formulas);
  5. reference to the grant (if any).

The text is typed in Times New Roman, the font size is 12, the line spacing is 1, the margins are 1.5 cm, the indention is 1 cm.
The additional fonts used in the article should be sent to the editor in a separate folder.
The editors welcome the division of the text into sections accepted in international and some Russian journals:

  • introduction – a brief summary of the state of the issue under consideration and the formulation of the problem addressed in the article;
  • materials and methods used for solving the problem and accepted assumptions;
  • the main content of the article: the results of the study, their discussion and comparison with previously known studies;
  • conclusions and recommendations for the further investigations.

However, the editorial board also accepts a different structure that corresponds to the specifics of the article provides clearly names of sections.
The illustrative material is italicized; the interpretation of a word meaning or a seme is in single quotes ‘…’. Quotations are enclosed in quotes “fir trees” (“…”); internal quotes are allocated with quotes-“paws” («… “…” …», «… “…” »). A reference to the source of the illustrative material is given after the example in parentheses. The illustrative material from the Internet sources is accompanied by a link to the Internet resource with the date of the reference.
The editorial board recommends not to write footnotes.
References to the sources used are given after the quotation in square brackets, for example: [Ivanov 2005: 25]. When quoting an articles published in Russian journals that have translated versions, it is desirable to give a link to a translated version of the journal.
The list of references is preceded by the word “References” and is placed after the text of the article in alphabetical order; chronological order for the work of the same author. Works on the Cyrillic alphabet are listed first followed by ones on the Latin alphabet. The list of references is not numbered. It is desirable to specify at least 10 sources and not more than three works by the author of the article. Works in foreign languages are important and desirable. There should not be any links to anonymous sources (for example, Wikipedia). The References should include only those works that are mentioned in the text and that were published or accepted for publication.

Information about the author(s) include:

  1. last name, first name (completely);
  2. academic degree (if any);
  3. position and place of work (the name of the organization must coincide with the name in the Charter), without abbreviations, city, country;
  4. E-mail address.

The same file should include:

  • the name and number of the specialty on which the article is written;
  • contact phone number (required only for editorial communication with the author).

After receiving the edited text, ready for posting on the site, you must send the completed and signed license agreement to the editorial office (contract form:
We will be glad to publish your scientific articles in our online edition!