ABOUT ECOLOGY OG LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATIVE PRACTICE Historical Background The Department of the Russian language and speech communication of the Siberian federal university was created in 2011 by merging with the former Department of General Linguistics and Rhetoric formed in 1987 in Krasnoyarsk state university,. The Department is active in organizing research seminars and conferences and pursues an interdisciplinary approach to actual problems of speech communication. A large number of articles are published in the Russian nationwide and regional academic editions, a number of monographs, including the fundamental work of G.A. Kopnina “Rhetorical means of the modern Russian literary language: experience of the system description” (M.: Flint: Science, 2009. 576 pages), such fundamental thesauruses as: “Culture of the Russian speech: the encyclopedic reference book” / under the editorship of L.Yu. Ivanov, A.P. Skovorodnikov, E.N. Shiryaev (M.: Flint: Science, 2003. 840 pages); “The Encyclopedic reference book. Expressive means of the Russian language and figure-of-speech fallacy” / under the editorship of A.P. Skovorodnikov (M.: Flint: Science, 2005. 480 pages); “Effective speech communication (basic competences): the reference book” / under the editorship of A.P. Skovorodnikov. Associate editors: G.A. Kopnina, L.V. Kulikova, O.W. Felde, B.Ya. Sharifullin, M.A. Yuzhannikova (Krasnoyarsk: Publishing house of the Siberian federal university, 2012. 882 pages) have been compiled. Pursuing such theoretical and applied objectives, it was natural to think about establishing a scientific journal which would carry out the role of the organizer for like-minded people. Thus, in the middle 90s of the last century the Department launched a special edition devoted to the problems of speech communication. The first edition with small circulation was issued as a Scientific Bulletin “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Speech Communication” (from 1996 to 1999) and since 2000 – as a Scientific Herald “Speech communication”. This Herald included the materials devoted to the problems of the standard of speech, Stylistics, Rhetoric, Linguopragmatics and Linguoecology (see “Archive”). The Authors of the published materials are staff members of the Siberian federal university (mainly philologists) and researchers from other universities of the country with which the Deparment of the Russian language and speech communication of the Institute of Philology and Language Communication of the Siberian federal university actively cooperates. Starting with 2013 the Scientific Herald “Speech communication” was changed into the online scientific publication “Ecology of Language and Communicative Practice” which focuses on communication approach and pays special attention to the problem of the ecology of language in a wide cultural context that is intimately related to the journal’s basic concern.. Editor-in-chief Doctor of Philology, Professor. A.P. Skovorodnikov |